Tuesday, March 18, 2014

No smoking beyond this point!

Smoking and smokers...probably one of the most annoying things I deal with.

I was in class yesterday and noticed a girl walk out. I thought she was going to the restroom, instead she came back smelling of smoke. I couldn't believe it! She could not wait one hour (the length of the lab) to smoke! Why would anyone want to smoke when the bad outweigh the good?

First off, cigarettes are very expensive. The average pack costs about $7.20 (with tax) here in the state of Texas. If you smoke about a 2 packs a week, your cost per year is about $750.00! That is outrageous.

The next thing you have to deal with when you smoke is the effects it can have on your face. Cameron and I were at a restaurant and sitting on the patio and I remember seeing this lady with her family. Her skin was dry and wrinkled and she looked so aged. Once they got settled, the lady and her husband started to smoke. I thought, well no wonder she looks like that!

Smoking can effect every single part of your body. Why would anyone risk it? 

If you knew that something you are doing is deteriorating your health, would you continue? And if you did, would you put your children at risk for cancer caused by second hand smoke? Cameron and I see it all the time: parents smoking in the care while their children are sitting in the backseat. Parents who take their children to a restaurant and sit outside, not because the weather is nice but because they want to smoke. 

I was lucky to live in Los Angeles for several years where smoking is banned in most places. But now that I in Corpus Christi, things are a bit different. I wish that restaurants would create non smoking patios for people who want to enjoy the scenery and not have to breathe in someone else's smoke. I hate that these smokers can dictate where I sit! I wish people would wise up and realize that what they are doing is expensive, smells bad, and is very harmful to their health.

...ok, so I had to vent! 

Have a great day!
Talk soon,

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, Monica! I CAN'T STAND cigarette smoke (I just find it painfully offensive and disgusting), and with Chi having (previously until 2008) been a very heavy smoker, you'd think that would have tipped me off that we were 100% incompatible, and we all know the rest....
