Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Favorites Friday!

So it's been several days since my last post! Sorry! I was in the middle of finals and I rocked them! Now I have a couple of weeks free and I will probably be blogging a bit more, at least until Summer classes start!

Today I am blogging about my favorite fitness tips! These are tried and true and if you've hit a plateau, maybe you can try a couple of these tips!

I have incorporated this into my life and has worked wonders! I feel so much better when I accomplish this every single day! Cameron and I have done yard work, jogged, walked, rode bicycles, cleaned the house, weight trained, and played catch! 30 minutes translates into any activity that will raise your heart rate! Try it!

Squats. Its a love/hate relationship. I love and hate the pain, but I would LOVE my legs to look like this one day! Squats work all the muscles in the backs of your legs (not to mention a few in the front), plus you will pat yourself on the back come summer time!

Who doesn't love crunches? These won't work unless you do them correctly and this quick little guide is the perfect reminder! Don't forget to incorporate cardio into all of your workouts to help get rid of the adipose tissue(fat) covering your rectus abdominus(ab muscles!)

One of my favorite things to do while Cameron and I are going for a walk is taking my hand weights with me! I do shoulder raises or air punches while we are walking and it feels great! Cardio and weights at the same time!

The very best tip I can give you is that being fit and healthy is 80% nutrition and 20% working out. My trainer always tells me that I work out every day, but if I eat crap, then I will not only feel like crap, I will look like crap! 

Hope that these tips help you out! Work hard and play harder!

Talk soon!

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